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Single Mother Housing Assistance


Single mother housing assistance means different things to different people. In some cases, that means living with relatives. In other cases, that might mean living in sub-standard housing. Some single mothers have been able to find inexpensive housing that needs repairs. The mothers or a combination of friends and family have helped make the repairs on a run-down house, ultimately creating a comfortable home for the single mother and her family. Many other women are not as lucky and need more options for single mother housing assistance.

There are some web sites that don’t have specific single mother housing assistance, but a single mother should investigate them. Many sites discuss mortgages rates, or explain terms and rules that are important in obtaining any single mother housing assistance. Some single mothers may not get the best help they need simply because they don’t know what the terms mean or what the interest rates (or other rates) are at the time.

Some single mother housing assistance is available through the Housing and Urban Development (HUD) Office of the US government. Rules change frequently. A single mother might have checked with the HUD office two or three years ago and been rejected. If she checks with the office again, she might find that she has become eligible for some form of single mother housing assistance. There is a chance that there will be nothing available, but a single mother should consistently review all possibilities.

A single mother might find a computer or a telephone book and see if there is a Habitat for Humanity organization in her area. If there is, this organization may have some options for single mother housing assistance. Depending on the location, some women even can obtain a house through this organization. Many areas of the country have branches of this organization.

While searching for Habitat information, a single mother should also see if there are any other organizations in her community that are engaged in helping single mothers find suitable and affordable housing. Many organizations will have some method to help a single woman improve a sub-standard home. Some organizations may be able to help a single mother find a program that fits her needs, life-style and interests. Many single mothers have lost hope and faith in the government or their community. This almost guarantees that the woman and her family will not find help. It may not be easy to locate, but a persistent single mother can find housing assistance for herself and her family. She needs to think of the future and not the disappointments of the past and present.

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