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Where To Look For Housing Grants For Single Mothers


Grants for housing for individuals are not as prevalent as they were in years past. One has to research Federal and private programs to try to find housing grants for single mothers, which are often doled out to agencies first. In addition, states sometimes have specific programs for their own residents that differ from state to state. It takes a great deal of time to locate the agencies receiving monies, find out what grants they may pass along, verify requirements, and apply to these programs.

Places To Check For Housing Grants For Single Mothers

* The Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD)
* The Catalogue Of Federal Domestic Assistance
* The Federal Home Mortgage Corporation (Freddie Mac)
* The Federal National Mortgage Association (Fannie Mae)
* The Nehemiah Program


One has to register at to participate in the HUD grant program. But, the grant program only awards grants to organizations or groups provide different types of housing assistance to individuals. Thus, this is just a first step to determine who is getting the money and where you might be able to apply.

The Catalogue of Federal Domestic Assistance

This catalogue is on-line and easily searchable for specific grants. Reading the grants can be tedious but there is a section on eligibility that should be read first. It will say whether individuals are eligible to apply for the grant or if you have to be part of a group or organization.

Freddie Mac And Fannie Mae

These foundations provide numerous grants to organizations, but not to individuals. They publish a list of grantees and amounts and this might be useful in determining where the money is going and where one might find programs made available for housing grants for single mothers.

The Nehemiah Program

This is the largest privately funded organization to provide grants for first time homebuyers and some repeat homebuyers. The buyer must go through an approved lender with an eligible FHA loan. The program gifts up to 6% of the home sales price.

The sad fact is that the Federal government is withdrawing more and more of their support for housing initiatives for individuals and placing it in the hand of organizations. In order to find housing grants for single mothers, the individual is left trying to pick a needle out of haystack. It may be far easier, in the long run, to find programs that provide assistance and not housing grants for single mothers. However, if one is persistent, one can find some gems still around.

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