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The High Cost Of Single Mother Housing In California


The Public Policy Institute of California released a study in 2006 that states the if regional costs of living were to be factored into California's poverty rate, instead of being 15th in the nation, California would rank as 3rd compared to other states. The high cost of housing was considered a large contributor to the cost of living in California.

It's estimated that the average rent for a Californian was more than half the total poverty threshold set by the Federal government. Rent for a two-bedroom apartment in places like San Francisco annually was estimated to be around $21,300. The burden of housing costs in California has fallen on those on the lowest rungs of the socio-economic scale, especially single mothers with low income. Single mother housing in California is expensive if not unaffordable.

What's a parent to do about the high cost of single mother housing in California? Obviously, with traditional families with good incomes and perfect credit having trouble locating affordable housing, single mothers will be even more squeezed.

The California Housing Finance Agency is set up to help address the needs of low-income, first-time home buyers. They offer low-interest home buying loans and novel 40 year fixed rate loans. They do have income and even sales price limits, but are on a mission to try to get safe, affordable housing for those that may have trouble getting it otherwise. Turn to this agency to find single mother housing in California.

However, this help may not be enough to offset the high cost of single mother housing in California. Many people are simply choosing to move from one area of California to another, which is less expensive. Others are moving out of state. This loss of residents is beginning to impact the cost of housing. With more housing available, there is less demand for housing and the prices drop.

The housing boom of previous years has taken a sharp decline in 2006. This is proving beneficial to low-income buyers who have more of a selection, even though prices are still high when compared to other states in the nation.

Looking for single mother housing in California may be getting better day-by-day, but it still is not a great market for low-income people. The high cost of housing in California has been a boon to the economy and to many residents who owned homes, but it has been a trial by fire by those less privileged in our society. If the market begins to rebalance itself, housing prices will drop more and more. Whether that is good for the economy, bad for residents, good for single mothers, it is very difficult to tell. With largely inflated prices for many years, California's price correction may spell economic hardship for all the state.

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