Single Mother Scholarship

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from: Finding scholarship for single mother

Many single mothers want to improve their lives not only for themselves but also for their children. Getting a solid education, especially a college degree is one way of advancing in the job world. Unfortunately, many young single mothers are unable to finance further education. A scholarship for single mother is the main way of paying for further education for these women.

The scholarship for single mother is available from various agencies. However, many such scholarships are not well known because they are not all well publicized. Luckily, doing a search online by using the search term ‘Scholarship for single mother’ will turn up quite a few. It will take some time to narrow down the hits to find the ones that you qualify for. However, the end result will make it time well spent.

Where to search for scholarship for single mother

The first place to begin your search for a scholarship for single mother, whether online or using other means is your state agencies such as a department for education or higher education. Libraries can also be a great source of information on scholarships.

Other sources of information on getting a scholarship for single mother are your parents’ place of employment. Some companies offer scholarships, while others will actually provide assistance with tuition once they see a need. If you are a working single parent, chances are you can approach your own employers.

School guidance counselors and financial aid departments at many colleges and universities can help you find a scholarship for single mother; just ask for help. In addition some colleges offer scholarships such as the BYU Marriot School Single Parent and Extended Reach scholarships. Other school specific scholarships for single mother are:

• Beverly Mullins Memorial Scholarship
• BYU Hawaii Single Mother Scholarship fund
• University of Maryland University College, Francis Ready and Gilbert E. Harris Scholarship

Some scholarships for single mothers are geared especially for a particular ethnic group or persons living in a particular area, so pay attention to eligibility requirements. Some scholarships for single mother can only be applied for by students who are enrolled in a fulltime program. The amount of each scholarship varies greatly. One great thing about these scholarships is the fact that many can be applied for online.

The best thing about getting a scholarship for single mother is that you do not have to worry about repaying the money. Nonetheless, make sure to read the fine print as to what your obligations are.

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