Young Single Mother Guide

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Parenting Tips For A Young Single Mother


When a teenager becomes a mother, she may still be trying to mature herself and doesn't have the knowledge or resources to successfully parent a newborn child. Parenting tips for a young single mother come from a variety of resources: her parents, grandparents, community, hospitals and clinics, schools, and private organizations. The more information a young single mother has, the better prepared she is to take care of that little one who is depending on her.

Parenting Tips For A Young Single Mother From Family Members

Family members are in the best position to offer their knowledge and advice. Focus not on trying to correct or take-over the new mother's duties, but instead seek to motivate your daughter to not give up on herself because she is a single mother. Family members can be a resource immediate help with a child that is sick or colicky. In addition, parents of single mothers can be very influential in making sure their daughter continues her education thus setting a foundation to have good job so that her child does not live in poverty.

Single mothers typically quit school when they become pregnant and many never ever get a college degree. This reduces their chances in the labor market and relegates them to low-paying jobs. It's important to help the new single mother understand what her responsibilities are towards helping her child grow and how she can best make a living in the future by concentrating on her education today.

Parenting Tips For A Young Single Mother From Her Community

Social programs in the community can offer parenting tips for a young single mother on nutrition, counseling, birth control, reduction of bad habits like drinking or smoking, health issues, and child abuse.

WIC offers nutritional counseling and food for children under the age of 5. To be informed on what social programs are available in the community, the single mother needs to register with the Department of Social Services in her state.

Parenting Tips For A Young Single Mother From Hospitals And Clinics

Some hospitals and clinics offer special programs for teenage mothers. They offer prenatal and postnatal care and parenting classes. This can help relieve the mother's fear of what will happen to her during the birthing process or after she is to take the child home. In addition, it provides a bit more supervision for the teenage mother's baby from medical professionals.

Parenting Tips For A Young Single Mother From Schools And Private Organizations

There are private organizations like the La Leche League, which offer information on breastfeeding. Other private organizations offer counseling and mentoring services. Mentors are a particular good resource for offering parenting advice from experienced people who are not directly associated with the family. Many teenagers have difficulty accepting advice for parenting from their own parents and so mentors and foster grandparents are a good option for them.


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