Welcome to Single Mother Grants
Grants Single Mothers Pay College Degree
Ford Foundation Report
Spaci The college signed her up for CARE, a California program that funds child care for single mothers, but she was declared ineligible because she is married. ...
Free Grants to Pay for Your College Education
Spaci Abundant sources of grants for women target underrepresented degree programs ... Other non-traditional students include single mothers and married students ...
www.scholarships-ar-us.org/grants/ - 27k -
AlterNet: Rights and Liberties: Hello, Minimum Wage
Spaci Single mothers receiving welfare who are trying to better their lives by earning a two- or four-year college degree recently got a lifeline in their ...
www.alternet.org/rights/21699/ - 41k -
Penn State News
Spaci "States can help low-income single mothers earn a college degree while still ... mothers meet college costs by furnishing cash grants and helping to pay for ...
www.psu.edu/ur/2004/lowincomemoms.html - 5k -
Finding Scholarships for a Single Mother
Spaci If you are one of the many single mothers trying to find scholarships to get an education, ... The Advantages to a College Degree for Today's Job Seekers ...
Info: Student Financial Aid: Scholarships
Spaci i am a 22 year old, single mother, and am looking for any kind of grants i ... to help me pay for college so i can earn my master degree in computer sci. ...
scholarships.idilogic.aidpage.com/ - 102k - 21 Nov 2006 -
Info: Student Financial Aid: Scholarships
Spaci I need to find free Scholarship for college for a BS degree in nursing I have ... i am a 22 year old, single mother, and am looking for any kind of grants i ...
scholarships.idilogic.aidpage.com/grants.htm - 115k - 21 Nov 2006 -
Grants Single Mothers Pay College Degree News